Date Jun 17 User lottielol Rating Safe Score 0
Why are there posts getting deleted who the fuck ks still moderating 🐺
Like a record baby right round round round
Not grotesque enough with the stage 4 syphilis. I should’ve added the missing flesh (which would just be red scribbles) to be more realistic, but C should just remain a censor bar
Date Aug 31, 2008 User edogawaconan Rating Questionable Score 0
Tags wtf
WarioWare fans be liek
dead booru no more… a new wave of users has risen (it’s just a tiny friend group but still)
Date Nov 23, 2010 User Tensai_Marukyuu Rating Safe Score 0
Tags tagme
Date Dec 24, 2009 User Rukaister Rating Questionable Score 0
Tags lily saber